Periodontal Disease (periodontitis) affects over half of adults in the US. Yet, many people have no idea they have it. We are on a mission to change
If my teeth don’t hurt, should I go to the dentist?
If my teeth don’t hurt, should I go to the dentist? Patients often come into my office for a routine dental exam and are surprised to hear that
Is that drink in your hand destroying your teeth?
What is pH? The pH scale is a measure of the acidity of a given substance. It ranges from 0 to 14 — 0 being the most acidic and 14 the most
Mistakes You’re Making When Brushing Your Teeth
Scrubbing your teeth like you scrub the kitchen counter Unlike your kitchen countertop, getting your teeth clean does not require muscle. You
How flossing can Boost your Immune System
Would you eat off of a 40% dirty plate? (I’m guessing you said no.)Brushing your teeth only reaches about 60% of each tooth, leaving 40% of
Once you form this habit, you’ll never go back
How habit-stacking can help you form and keep an important habit I know why you don't floss. I get it. Flossing can be gross and awkward
Bacteria and your Mouth
The bacteria living in your mouth are directly linked to your overall health. You already know that both good and bad bacteria exist in your
Don’t Toss Your Old Toothbrush
Recycling dental-product waste could mean kids at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital get a new playground. Anderson Dental Care is participating in the
Do Your Teeth Hurt When You Chew?
You’re eating dinner, when suddenly a sharp pain shoots through one of your molars. There isn’t any pain when you don’t chew, but every time you bite