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Are Your Dentures Making You Sick?

You’ve probably gone through some ups and downs with your dentures over the years. Whether you absolutely love them or have come to hate how they slip and fall when you least expect it your dentures are part of your life every day. You put them on in the morning and take them off at night, they are the smile you show to the world, and they’ll be with you for years!

At Anderson Dental Care we’ve created a lot of dentures both partial and full. We’re proud of the work we do and the snug fitting dentures we’ve provided for countless patients. We’re always willing to go the extra mile to make adjustments and changes to your dentures in Cincinnati, OH so they continue to serve you well for years to come!

There’s something you need to do to help your dentures be a healthy part of your life too: keep them clean! You might be surprised to hear that your dentures could be making you sick!

What Causes Denture Diseases?

It’s a fact of life that your mouth contains bacteria. That doesn’t change when you lose teeth either! If you wear dentures they are probably covered in just as much bacteria as your natural teeth, if not more! That’s where problems come in: a lot of patients aren’t good about keeping their dentures as clean as they should. Unclean dentures can be a serious source of risk for your long-term health, especially as you age!

The bacteria on your dentures comes in a variety of strains, each with potential problems. You may have had inflammation of the gums due to your dentures – that’s caused by particular kind of bacteria. The ones that we’re concerned about today pose much more serious risks to your health: respiratory infections!

Wearing dentures that aren’t properly cleaned can lead to pneumonia and MRSA, a difficult to cure staph infection in the chest! Over 65 percent of dentures sampled contained traces of these bacteria, and all it takes is inhaling a bit from your mouth to start a serious illness!

Keeping Your Dentures Clean

Are dentures safe? To prevent illnesses like pneumonia and MRSA cleaning dentures are a must! If you’re doing all you can to keep your dentures clean you might already be taking care of most this list. If not we encourage you to adopt the following steps to keeping a clean, healthy mouth!

Taking good care of your dentures at home is an essential part of keeping them clean and keeping you healthy! But just because you may not have any more natural teeth doesn’t mean you can avoid visits to the dentist! When you come to Anderson Dental Care for a visit we’ll have a chance to check up on your dentures and also your gums and mouth. Dentures might not be vulnerable to infection or disease but that doesn’t mean your gums are!

Take Care Of You And Your Dentures!

We’re experts when it comes to denture care, so let us help make your denture-wearing experience the best it can be! You can call our Cincinnati dentist office at (513) 817-0834 to get answers to your questions or to make an appointment. If you would prefer to make an appointment now you can fill out our online form! We look forward to seeing you soon!

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